
An impulse Photographer who believes in the moment rather than creating a moment, for it is that actually creates memories for life. And this is how I as a Photographer intend to bridge the gap between distant memory and the present. Capturing animals in their habitat and those pleasant mosaics of nature is where my abilities lie. And freezing the Ohh ! so beautiful facets of human expressions is where my preferences lie.

Rahul purchased his first camera at the age of 21. His interests in photography snowballed during a road tirp to Madhya Pradesh.

Vivid Colors, different cultures and the happiness all around made him develop a special interest in capturing ‘moments that defines the course of history, well in someone’s life’.

Slowly but steadily he has arisen potraying different aspects of life through his trusted Canon’s. Evolving from standout architecture photography, Rahul has moved forward to now capturing Model & special pre-wedding stills.

He also keeps close to his heart, ‘my need for speed - a thought he harbors from his school days’. This has helped him develop a parallel line into motion & artistic vehicular photography, things that very few photographers specialize in.

Till date he has taken & sold over 50,000 photographs and his counter is fast increasing.